Rengga Dev – The “search a list of things already on the page” idea reminds me of that classic jQuery contains
$.expr[":"].CIcontains = $.expr.createPseudo(function (arg) { return function (elem) { return $(elem).text().toUpperCase().indexOf(arg.toUpperCase()) >= 0; }; }); // Every time a key is clicked $("#filter-input").keyup(function () { // get the text from the box var curr_text = $(this).val(); // pass it to the function filterResults(curr_text); }); $("#close").click(function () { var curr_text = $(this).val(); $("#filter-input").val(""); filterResults(curr_text); }); function filterResults(curr_text) { // hide all results $("#filter-results li").hide(); // ... except those which are selected $("#filter-results li:CIcontains('" + curr_text + "')").show(); }