Rengga Dev – We all know that smaller pieces of anything matter are called particles. Particle Backgrounds is an animated background that has particles moving across. These particles can have different shapes like polygons, triangles, circles, etc. The particle backgrounds can be used to add visual effects into the rows and columns, making them more attractive and interactive with additional effects. You can use this feature to design a banner that displays an offer, a row with some scenic beauty and a lot more.
each i in ['purple','medium-blue','light-blue', 'red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'cyan', 'light-green', 'lime', 'magenta', 'lightish-red', 'pink'] div(class=i)
$colors: ( purple: #241379, medium-blue: #2185bf, light-blue: #1fbce1, red: #b62f56, orange: #d5764c, yellow: #ffd53e, cyan: #78ffba, light-green: #98fd85, lime: #befb46, magenta: #6c046c, lightish-red: #f04c81, pink: #ff4293 ); body { background: radial-gradient(circle, #24246e, #06051f); //isolation: isolate; overflow: hidden; position: relative; width: 100vw; height: 100vh; &:active { div, div::before, div::after { // Commented out for performance //mix-blend-mode: color-dodge; padding: 40px; } } } div, div::before, div::after { content: ''; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; opacity: 0.9; transform-origin: top; transition: all 5s linear 0s; } @function random-num($min, $max) { @return floor(random() * ($max - $min) + $min); } @function random-calc($number) { $max: 100 - $number; $min: $number * -1; @return random-num($min, $max); } @each $color-name, $color-hex in $colors { // Initial top and left positions $random1: random(100); $random2: random(100); // Animated top and left positions $random3: random(100); $random4: random(100); // Animated top and left end positions $random5: random(100); $random6: random(100); .#{$color-name} { $size: random-num(5,50) + px; animation: #{$color-name} linear 30s alternate infinite; border: 2px solid #{$color-hex}; border-radius: 100%; width: $size; height: $size; transform: translate3d( $random1 + vw, $random2 + vh, 0); z-index: random(12); } .#{$color-name}::before { animation: #{$color-name}-pseudo linear 15s alternate infinite; background: #{$color-hex}; border: 2px solid #{$color-hex}; width: random-num(5,50) + px; height: random-num(5,50) + px; transform: translate3d( random-calc($random1) + vw, random-calc($random2) + vh, 0) rotate((random(360)) + deg); } .#{$color-name}::after{ animation: #{$color-name}-pseudo linear 20s alternate infinite; border: 2px solid #{$color-hex}; width: random-num(5,50) + px; height: random-num(5,50) + px; transform: translate3d( random-calc($random1) + vw, random-calc($random2) + vh, 0) rotate((random(360)) + deg); } @keyframes #{$color-name} { 50% { transform: translate3d( $random3 + vw, $random4 + vh, 0); } 100% { transform: translate3d( $random5 + vw, $random6 + vh, 0); } } @keyframes #{$color-name}-pseudo { 33% { transform: translate3d( random-calc($random3) + vw, random-calc($random4) + vh, 0) rotate((random(360)) + deg); } 100% { transform: translate3d( random-calc($random5) + vw, random-calc($random6) + vh, 0) rotate((random(360)) + deg); } } }