JS Tutorial – Obligatory Falling Snow

Rengga Dev – Try playing with the parameters on the gui to the right. The falling snow is just one effect of a countless number of possibilities.

// I'm hotlinking to some SVG images from flaticon.com
// for use as the snowflakes. I hope that remains possible
// especially with the below attribution;
// ❄ Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
// ❄ https://www.flaticon.com/packs/snowflakes

let colorType = {
  type: "multi"

let colors = {
  color1: "rgba(255,255,255,1)",
  color2: "rgba(233,239,250,1)",
  color3: "rgba(222,241,250,1)",
  color4: "rgba(178,209,219,1)",
  color5: "rgba(135,143,145,1)"

let options = {
  alphaSpeed: 2,
  alphaVariance: 1,
  color: [colors.color1, colors.color2, colors.color3, colors.color4],
  composition: "source-over",
  count: 120,
  direction: 160,
  drift: 2,
  glow: 50,
  imageUrl: [
  maxAlpha: 2,
  maxSize: 24,
  minAlpha: -0.2,
  minSize: 3,
  parallax: 6,
  rotation: 0.5,
  shape: ["image"],
  speed: 2.5,
  style: "fill",
  twinkle: false,
  xVariance: 20,
  yVariance: 20,

window.onload = function() {

window.initSparticles = function() {
  var $main = document.querySelector("main");
  window.mySparticles = new Sparticles($main,options);

window.initStats = function() {
  var stats = new Stats();
  function statsDisplay() {

window.initGui = function() {
  const s = window.mySparticles;
  const shapes = ["circle", "square", "triangle", "diamond", "line", "image"];
  const styles = ["fill", "stroke", "both"];
  const colorOptions = ["single", "multi", "rainbow"];
  const composites = [
  const rerender = () => {
  var rerenderColors = function(v) {
    if (colorType.type === "rainbow") {
      options.color = "rainbow";
    } else if (colorType.type === "single") {
      options.color = colors.color1;
    } else {
      options.color = Object.keys(colors).map(i => {
        return colors[i];

  const gui = new dat.GUI({ load: options });
  const part = gui.addFolder("Particles");
  part.add( options, "count", 1, 1500, 1).onFinishChange(rerender);
  part.add( options, "shape", shapes).onFinishChange(rerender);
  part.add( options, "style", styles).onFinishChange(rerender);
  const image = part.addFolder("Image");
  // image.add( options, "imageUrl").onFinishChange(rerender);
  part.add( options, "minSize", 1, 50, 1).onFinishChange(rerender);
  part.add( options, "maxSize", 1, 50, 1).onFinishChange(rerender);
  const anim = gui.addFolder("Animation");
  anim.add( options, "direction", 0, 360, 1).onFinishChange(rerender);
  anim.add( options, "speed", 0, 100, 0.1).onFinishChange(rerender);
  anim.add( options, "rotation", 0, 100, 0.1).onFinishChange(rerender);
  const move = anim.addFolder("Movement");
  move.add( options, "parallax", 0, 10, 0.1).onFinishChange(rerender);
  move.add( options, "drift", 0, 10, 0.1).onFinishChange(rerender);
  move.add( options, "xVariance", 0, 50, 0.1).onFinishChange(rerender);
  move.add( options, "yVariance", 0, 50, 0.1).onFinishChange(rerender);
  const vis = gui.addFolder("Visual");
  vis.add( options, "glow", 0,50).onFinishChange(rerender);
  vis.add( options, "composition", composites).onFinishChange(rerender);
  const alpha = vis.addFolder("Alpha");
  alpha.add( options, "twinkle").onFinishChange(rerender);
  alpha.add( options, "minAlpha", -2, 2, 0.1).onFinishChange(rerender);
  alpha.add( options, "maxAlpha", -2, 2, 0.1).onFinishChange(rerender);
  alpha.add( options, "alphaSpeed", 0, 50, 1).onFinishChange(rerender);
  alpha.add( options, "alphaVariance", 0, 20, 1).onFinishChange(rerender);
  const color = vis.addFolder("Color");
  color.add(colorType, "type", colorOptions).onFinishChange(rerenderColors);
  color.addColor(colors, "color1").onFinishChange(rerenderColors);
  color.addColor(colors, "color2").onFinishChange(rerenderColors);
  color.addColor(colors, "color3").onFinishChange(rerenderColors);
  color.addColor(colors, "color4").onFinishChange(rerenderColors);
  color.addColor(colors, "color5").onFinishChange(rerenderColors);


Nandemo Webtools

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