JS Tutorial – Infinite carousel With Pure CSS and JS

Rengga Dev – Try playing with the parameters on the gui to the right. The Infinite carousel is just one effect of WebGL.

const text1_options = [
  "Why art is so important",
  "Why you shouldn't buy the new iPhone",
  "Is life actually real?",
  "How to learn JS in 2 months"
const text2_options = [
  "69 min. read",
  "7 min. read",
  "8 min. read",
  "87,658.1277 min. read"
const color_options = ["#EBB9D2", "#FE9968", "#7FE0EB", "#6CE5B1"];
const image_options = [
var i = 0;
const currentOptionText1 = document.getElementById("current-option-text1");
const currentOptionText2 = document.getElementById("current-option-text2");
const currentOptionImage = document.getElementById("image");
const carousel = document.getElementById("carousel-wrapper");
const mainMenu = document.getElementById("menu");
const optionPrevious = document.getElementById("previous-option");
const optionNext = document.getElementById("next-option");

currentOptionText1.innerText = text1_options[i];
currentOptionText2.innerText = text2_options[i];
currentOptionImage.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + image_options[i] + ")";
mainMenu.style.background = color_options[i];

optionNext.onclick = function () {
  i = i + 1;
  i = i % text1_options.length;
  currentOptionText1.dataset.nextText = text1_options[i];

  currentOptionText2.dataset.nextText = text2_options[i];

  mainMenu.style.background = color_options[i];
  setTimeout(() => {
    currentOptionImage.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + image_options[i] + ")";
  }, 455);
  setTimeout(() => {
    currentOptionText1.innerText = text1_options[i];
    currentOptionText2.innerText = text2_options[i];
  }, 650);

optionPrevious.onclick = function () {
  if (i === 0) {
    i = text1_options.length;
  i = i - 1;
  currentOptionText1.dataset.previousText = text1_options[i];

  currentOptionText2.dataset.previousText = text2_options[i];

  mainMenu.style.background = color_options[i];

  setTimeout(() => {
    currentOptionImage.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + image_options[i] + ")";
  }, 455);
  setTimeout(() => {
    currentOptionText1.innerText = text1_options[i];
    currentOptionText2.innerText = text2_options[i];
  }, 650);


Nandemo Webtools

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