Rengga Dev – JS Tutorial – This is an example of the 3D distortion hover effect in jQuery.
init3D(); function init3D() { var $workItem = $(".work__item"); $workItem.each(function() { $(this).data("xPos", $(this).offset().left); $(this).data("yPos", $(this).offset().top); $(this).data("itemWidth", $(this).width()); $(this).data("itemHeight", $(this).height()); $(this).data("imgOuter", $(this).find(".work__item-img-outer")); }); $workItem.mousemove(function(e) { var xPos = $(this).data("xPos"); var yPos = $(this).data("yPos"); var mouseX = e.pageX; var mouseY = e.pageY; var left = mouseX - xPos; var top = mouseY - yPos; var origin = "center center -300"; var xPerc = (left - $(this).data("itemWidth") / 2) / $(this).data("itemWidth") * 200; var yPerc = (top - $(this).data("itemHeight") / 2) / $(this).data("itemHeight") * 200;$(this).data("imgOuter"), 2, { rotationX: 0.1 * yPerc, rotationY: -0.1 * xPerc, transformOrigin: origin, ease: Expo.easeOut }); }); $workItem.on("mouseleave", function() {$(this).data("imgOuter"), 2, { rotationX: 0, rotationY: 0, transformOrigin: origin, ease: Expo.easeOut }); }); }